Media Coverage
Monaco Solicitors is frequently approached by local and national media outlets to provide expert insight on employment law related matters.
If you have a media enquiry get in touch with our senior partner directly:
Some of our recent appearances include:

Alex Monaco of Monaco Solicitors featured in BBC news article; “Is AI about to transform the legal profession?” – October 19th 2023

Monaco Solicitors features in Telegraph article “Take steps to financial freedom with these intuitive solutions” – June 26th 2023

Alex Monaco of Monaco Solicitors featured in Legal Futures article “Law firm spins out employment advice AI into standalone business” – June 12th 2023

Alex Monaco of Monaco Solicitors talks to Target Jobs about his experiences of qualifying as a lawyer, finding a balance between ‘making a difference’ and money in employment law and becoming a solicitor-advocate. – January 25th 2023

Alex Monaco of Monaco Solicitors on BBC Radio London with Jeanette Kwayke – November 24th 2021
A discussion about the MP for Walthamstow, Stella Creasy. Should she be allowed to take her baby into the house of commons? Where does the law stand on this and in what circumstances would someone be allowed to bring a baby into work? Alex Monaco of Monaco Solicitors gives his verdict.

The Law Society Gazette reports on Monaco Solicitors’ award-winning Virtual Lawyer: legal letter builder – December 7th, 2020
The Law Society Gazette reports the success of Monaco Solicitors in winning an award of nearly £100,000 to develop Virtual Lawyer: its an AI-based legal letter builder for employees.

Alex Monaco of Monaco Solicitors on BBC Radio London with Vanessa Feltz – October 7th, 2020
A discussion about the increase in redundancies during the pandemic and what employees can do to help themselves. One source of help for employees is Monaco Solicitors’ free Redundancy tool which creates a legal letter setting out the employee’s rights and challenging their redundancy.

Alex Monaco of Monaco Solicitors on BBC Radio London ‘Drivetime’ show with Duncan Barkes (standing in for Eddie Nestor) – April 14th, 2020
The broadcast discusses employee experiences during the coronavirus pandemic and outlines Monaco Solicitors’ free Coronavirus Employment Rights App. The app helps employees create letters to their employers to clarify the law and employees’ rights in times of covid-19.

Alex Monaco of Monaco Solicitors reported in The Sun newspaper – November 2nd, 2018
Employment lawyer Alex Monaco of Monaco Solicitors gives his top tips on how to negotiate a fair exit package if you are being forced out of a job. The tips draw from his book written for employees: ‘Resignation Revolution: How to negotiate your exit like a pro’.

Alex Monaco of Monaco Solicitors broadcast on Talk Radio – October, 2018
Employment lawyer Alex Monaco explains the effect Brexit could have on employees’ rights. and possible changes to existing employment law in the UK
Alex is also founder of #EmployeeRightsDay, held annually on November 1

Alex Monaco of Monaco Solicitors broadcast on Talk Radio – November 1st, 2018
Female First online publication celebrates International Employees Day with its founder and employment law solicitor Alex Monaco. Alex outlines ten top employee rights for women.

Alex Monaco of Monaco Solicitors widely reported during 2019 – November, 2019
Vegan discrimination at work is an area of growing interest, and was championed by Alex Monaco in the above newspapers during 2019. Since then, the employment tribunal found that being vegan is a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010. Now employers will have to take steps to ensure that they don’t discriminate against vegans at work.